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Thinking about climate change? Unsure what to do about it? Come together with others to talk about what we can do to address our concerns.

We’ll be guided by “For the Love of Creation,” a faith-based initiative for climate justice, endorsed by many faith groups including KAIROS Canada and the United Church of Canada:

This program includes resources for small group conversations as well as advocacy. Join Dan Beveridge and Wilma Bell Wessel who will facilitate the group assisted by Leslie Beck who will be Zoom host. No matter what you know, all are welcome, including those from beyond Wesley!

We propose meeting 7:00 to 8:30 pm Wed. May 26, 2021, with future meetings depending on interest. For more information feel free to contact or phone 306-584-5487.

To register and get your Zoom link please contact Please register soon to help us plan. Thanks! Dan