The United Church of Canada

The United Church of Canada came together in 1925, through a union of Methodist, Presbyterian, Congregational, and other Christian churches – one of the first ecumenical unions in the world to bring together major Christian denominations into one body. 

"We are not alone," is the first line of "A New Creed," one of our statements of belief. The United Church of Canada has a long history of welcoming people of all backgrounds and orientations – wherever you are in your faith journey.

Join us and find out more about our history, organization, beliefs, and the ground-breaking decisions the United Church has taken.

United Church Foundation

Make a gift

Making a gift to the United Church of Canada Foundation is an excellent way to support the work of the United Church of Canada. The Foundation directs your gifts to support the ministries you love now, and far into the future.

Invest and grow

When you contribute to the United Church of Canada Foundation, you are strengthening the future of the United Church. Our investment practices ensure that your gifts will have a long-lasting impact for years to come.

Support your ministry

The United Church of Canada Foundation offers a wide variety of different grant opportunities for United Church of Canada organizations and individuals to bring life to the mission and values of the United Church.